The Code of Good Practice for Development Education in Ireland is the first of its kind in Ireland and a trailblazer internationally. Developed by IDEA members it is a quality framework that articulates how to strengthen good practice across all our Development Education work. It was recognised with a
Global Education Network Europe (GENE) Quality in Global Education Award in 2021.
In 2016, at a workshop of IDEA members, a decision was made to build on the existing Good Practice Guidelines in Development Education by creating a Code of Good Practice. Following on from this, a task group of IDEA members drafted the Code content in the form of principles and indicators, and explored how the Code could be implemented by IDEA members, and what the support and learning mechanisms might look like. In 2018, the draft Code was piloted, and on 3 December 2019 the Code was launched.
IDEA has partnered with LAPAS on an Erasmus+ project which will see the IDEA Code of Good Practice adopted for use by LAPAS members in Latvia. LAPAS (the Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation) unite 35 NGOs across Latvia working for global sustainable development and global citizenship education (GCE). LAPAS and IDEA will work together to enhance the quality of GCE on local, national and European levels. The project will run to the end of 2025 as a small-scale partnership funded from the Erasmus+ programme via Léargas.
Code Membership is open to all members of IDEA, both organisations and individual practitioners. Becoming a Code Member offers many benefits, including networking, peer learning, support opportunities, and the space to share your experiences as Development Education practitioners.
The Code journey also includes learning events and trainings, and a chance to celebrate and showcase good practice in Development Education.
The Code self-assessment process is supported by a panel of experts including independent consultants and IDEA staff. Their role is to review the self-assessment workbooks and actions plans and contribute to IDEA’s feedback to the Code member. This panel was appointed in June 2021. For more information, contact us. You can view the panel here.
Compliance Commitments
Sign a Code Commitment form
Carry out the self-assessment process including developing an action plan to be shared with IDEA
Contribute to the Community of Practice for this Code
‘The Code acts as a 'critical friend'. It’s a voyage of discovery - it opens the box to critical thinking and the Principles and Code really help do this’.
"It is a benchmark that allows you to gauge where you are and what you can aspire to."
Momodou Sallah, DeMontfort University
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