Across Europe, Development Education is practiced in many different contexts. It can be referred to as "Global Learning", "Global Education" or "Global Citizenship Education".
Relevant International Organisations and Networks
United Nations
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals Target 4.7 is to ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development. Find out more
UNESCO Global Citizenship Education is a strategic area of UNESCO’s Education Sector programme and builds on the work of Peace and Human Rights Education. UNESCO supports Member States in their efforts to implement GCED. This includes raising awareness on GCED, advocating for its implementation, and developing guidance and capacity-building tools. Find out more
GENE is the Global Education Network of Europe. It is a network of Ministerial departments and state agencies with national responsibility for Development Education in European Countries. It facilitates the sharing of policy learning between over 40 Ministries and Agencies and other bodies from over 25 countries. Find out more
CONCORD is the European Confederation of Relief and Development NGOs. It is a member-led organisation made up of 28 national associations, 25 international networks and 4 associate members that represent over 2,600 NGOs. It is the main body engaging with the EU institutions on development policy. Global Citizenship Education is one of its priority focuses. Find out more
The North-South Centre, also known as the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity, is a project of the Council of Europe. Its mission is to empower civil society, in particular youth and women, through intercultural dialogue and global citizenship education, to play an active role in Council of Europe member states and neighbouring regions. Find out more
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