There is a wealth of Development Education resources in existence and being created each year on a whole range of Global Justice issues. This section highlights the resources IDEA has created, useful information about the sector, and points you towards other sources of Development Education resources so you can access the breath of what’s out there.
Overview of Development Education
In Ireland
In Europe
Reports that offer a useful overview of Development Education in Europe include:
Resource Hubs is the online hub for information, activities, learning and resource support for material on development, human rights, global justice and sustainability. The website serves a wide range of user groups in the formal and non-formal education sectors. It carried out an An Audit of Development Education Resources in Ireland 2013- 2016, providing a fully annotated catalogue of over 200 Development Education resources. Essential reading for anyone considering producing resources as part of their Development Education work, it identifies what kinds of resources already exist and where there are gaps. IDEA is a member of the Management Consortium of
Sector Hubs
A range of resources have been created for incorporating Development Education/ Global Citizenship Education and the Sustainable Development Goals into the Formal Education, Adult and Community Education, and Youth sectors:
Formal Education
WorldWise Global Schools has developed a library of Resources for Post-Primary Teachers on the Sustainable Development Goals and how to approach GCE in the Curriculum and other aspects of school life.
You can access this here
The National Youth Council of Ireland’s Resource Library is a collection of books, activity packs, reports, publications and videos/dvds compiled by its Development Education Programme over the years, on issues related to global justice and youth work.
Adult and Community Education
Saolta has developed a range of resources for the Adult and Community Education sector around the Sustainable Development Goals. You can access these here
Areas of Work
Reflective Practice
Critical Reflection tool
This Critical Reflection Tool, developed by the Quality and Impact Working Group of Irish Development Education Association, presents a series of questions that practitioners can work through by themselves or with colleagues. The questions are designed to encourage thinking, reflection and analysis of our role in social, cultural, political and economic structures.
The tool is inspired by Andreotti’s (2006) challenge to Development Education practitioners to address their assumptions and to prevent reproducing harmful beliefs and practices indirectly and unintentionally.
Good Practice
Code of Good Practice
IDEA’s Code of Good Practice for Development Education in Ireland was developed through the collaboration of IDEA members. These resources were created to support members on their Code journey.
Good Practice Guidelines
A range of Good Practice Guidelines for Development Education have been created by IDEA and its members. These are the foundation for the Code of Good Practice.
Partnerships within the Development Education Sector
We carried out video interviews with some of our members to hear about their experiences of working in partnership within the Development Education.
Joe Murray, Afri
Bobby McCormack, Development Perspectives
Michael Doorly, Concern
Elaine Mahon, Irish Development Education Association
Rachel Dempsey, Lourdes Youth and Community Services
Jen Murphy, Trócaire
Elaine Nevin, ECO-UNESCO
Mary McCarthy, WorldWise Global Schools
Cross-Sector Partnerships
This manual offers guidance on general tone of voice work for civil society groups interested in developing external partnerships.
This manual provides guidelines for civil society organisations who would like to engage with local politicians on how to inspire, support and equip them as leaders for sustainable development
The Building Bridges Forum, co-hosted by IDEA and Business in the Community Northern Ireland as part of the Bridge 47 Project, brought together Development Educators and Businesses to explore how to partner on the SDGs. Here are some of the highlights.
This explores the Irish Policy Context for Development Education, developments and priorities within the Irish Education System, and how Policy can be influenced in the context of Formal Education.
This manual was developed as part of the Challenging the Crisis Campaign, and outlines the Advocacy tools and approaches used through the project’s campaign.
Advocacy Tools for the 2024
Local and EU Elections
Innovation in Development Education
Stephen Farley speaking about Trócaire’s Development Education Game ‘Project Honduras’
Ji Hyun Kim, speaking about IDEA’s partnership work through the Bridge 47 Project
Gareth Conlon speaking about Comhlámh’s work on the ‘International Citizens for Local Perspectives’ Project
Impact of Development Education
This presents findings from a desk review conducted by
consultants McCreanor Murray Rose to support IDEA's exploration of
existing impact measurement tools used in Global Citizenship Education
This is a harvest of what was discussed at our workshop on Exploring
Impact Measurement
in Global Citizenship
Education, held in October 2023
Stories of Change
Our Stories of Change series invites those who have experienced Development Education to share the impact it has had on them and their lives.
Annual Conferences
IDEA Annual Conferences are an opportunity to come together to explore the role for Global Citizenship in tackling the issues of the day.
Challenging the Crisis
Challenging the Crisis was a 3-year DEAR project led by IDEA from 2013-2016. We partnered with organisations in the other EU countries worst affected by the financial crisis - Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Slovenia – with the aim of using Development Education Awareness Raising to empower young global development advocates. We created a range of resources throughout the life of this project.
Development Education Research
Digital Technologies to Advance Global Citizenship Education in Schools Report,
2020, CHRCE DCU, and Trócaire
Global Challenges, Global Citizenship: What Is The Local Classroom Reality? A Qualitative Case Study Of Global Citizenship Education Teaching And Learning Practices,
2020, Maria Barry
Exploring the knowledge dimensions of Nongovernmental organisation campaigning on global poverty and inequality: A Network Society perspective,
2016, Son Gyoh
A Harvest Document compiling the main findings and summary from discussion held at IDEA's GCE Research Showcase on 26th October 2023.
2023, IDEA
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