Seán Canney, Minister of State for International and Road Transport, Logistics, Rail and Ports
TD, Galway East, Independent
There are many TDs, Senators, MEPs and even Ministers who understand the value and importance of Global Citizenship Education and who support our work to expand and advance GCE in Ireland. IDEA has contacted these supportive political stakeholders and invited them to become GCE Champions. Here is the list of our current GCE Champions, who have all signed our GCE Champion pledge below.
Global Citizenship Education Champion Pledge
Mindful of the unprecedented critical challenges facing our world, including climate change, poverty, inequality, conflict and fragility, I hereby pledge to be a Global Citizenship Education Champion. I commit to championing Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship as a means towards a fairer and more sustainable future for all, by advocating for increased cross-departmental investment and support for Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, and its expansion across all sectors—formal, non-formal, and informal.
Global Citizenship Education Champions
TDs and Ministers
Seán Canney, Minister of State for International and Road Transport, Logistics, Rail and Ports
TD, Galway East, Independent
Mary Lou McDonald, Dublin Central, Sinn Féin
Holly Cairns, Cork South-West, Social Democrats
Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire, Cork South-Central, Sinn Féin
Rose Conway Walsh, Mayo, Sinn Féin
Alan Kelly, Tipperary, Labour
Ruth Coppinger, Dublin West, Solidarity - People Before Profit
Ged Nash, Louth and East Meath, Labour
Paul Murphy, Dublin South-West, Solidarity - People Before Profit
Duncan Smith, Dublin Fingal, Labour
Pádraig Mac Lochlainn, Donegal, Sinn Féin
Ciarán Ahern, Dublin South West, Labour
Claire Kerrane, Roscommon-Galway, Sinn Féin
Marie Sherlock, Dublin Central, Labour
Pearse Doherty, Donegal, Sinn Féin
Cian O'Callaghan, Dublin Bay North, Social Democrats
Sorca Clarke, Longford-Westmeath, Sinn Féin
Jennifer Whitmore, Wicklow, Social Democrats
Aengus Ó Snodaigh, Dublin South-Central, Sinn Féin
Rory Hearne, Dublin North West, Social Democrats
Eoin Ó Broin, Dublin Mid-West, Sinn Féin
Darren O’Rourke, Meath East, Sinn Féin
Alice Mary Higgins, Senator - NUI panel, Independent
Pauline Tully, Senator - Cul&Ed panel, Sinn Féin
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