Latest Edition of the IDEA Podcast: Caoimhe Butterly in Conversation - Live from Lesvos, Greece
This edition features a live conversation with educator, activist, and psychotherapist Caoimhe Butterly in collaboration with Afri, Comhlámh, Doras, the Irish Refugee Council, and Uplift. Caoimhe shares her experiences from over 11 years of working with refugee solidarity and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) networks. She discusses the challenges faced by refuge-seekers from various countries and her approach to global citizenship education and solidarity work. This video sheds light on the broader context of seeking refuge and sanctuary in today's world.
The 2024-2025 STAND Exhibition Partnership Initiatives
This edition features Susie Spratt, the Festival Manager From STAND. Tune in to hear her insights on engaging events, and initiatives aimed at raising awareness about important global issues partnering with the African Leadership University in Rwanda.
Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and social justice in adult learning spaces
This edition features Dr. Lilian Nwanze - Akobo, an esteemed educator and advocate for social justice in adult education. Dr. Lilian, who holds a PhD in Adult and Community Education, serves as the Co-Director of the Higher Diploma in Further Education (HDFE) Program at Maynooth University. Drawing from her professional, academic, and lived experiences, she passionately contributes to adult and community education in Ireland. Tune in to hear her insights on making classrooms more inclusive for marginalized communities and the critical role of Global Citizenship Education in fostering social justice.
Global Citizenship Education and Young People
This edition features Mohammed Naeem, who has an established record in activism at only 19, having served as chairperson of Mayo Comhairle na nÓg and was the youngest person to sit on a county council committee when he joined the Mayo County Council sub-committee on Climate and Biodiversity in 2021. In this edition, you will get insights into the importance of inviting young people to the table within Ireland's Global citizenship education sector and internationally.
Stories of Change from the launch of "The Catalyst"
This edition features Aóife Malone, Kate O'Callaghan, Ebere Edeh, Hazel and Madza the speakers from the launch of our innovation Magazine the ‘The Catalyst’. In this Edition, you will hear stories of change from our speakers. This magazine was born from a passion for sharing knowledge and celebrating the spirit of Global Citizenship Education, ‘The Catalyst’ is also a platform for innovation, a testament to our commitment to fostering creativity and progress in the global citizenship education sector
Critical Race Theory and its application to GCE with Dr. Aoife Titley and Sandrine Uwase Ndahiro
This Edition features Dr. Aoife Titley, Maynooth University who has led the design and development of modules on the Certificate in GCE and Sandrine Uwase Ndahiro, a fourth- year PhD student in the English department at the University of Limerick. This episode explores how Educators can use Critical Race Theory to bring an anti-racist lens to all aspects of society, particularly education.
The role of International Law in Tackling Contemporary Crises with Dr John Reynolds
This Edition features Dr John Reynolds, an Associate Professor of International Law at Maynooth University. Dr Reynolds is the author of ‘Empire, Emergency and International Law’ and an editor of the Third World Approaches to International Law Review journal and website. This episode explores the role of international law in tackling contemporary crises such as the War in Gaza and other emerging crises.
Future Trends in Development Education
This looks forward at future trends and emerging issues in Development Education/Global Citizenship Education, with Dr Audrey Bryan Associate Professor of Sociology in the School of Human Development, Dublin City University, Edward Vickers, Professor of Comparative Education at Kyushu University, and Joyce Raanhuis, a doctoral student at the Centre for International Teacher Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The session is moderated by Dervla King, Programme Manager with Comhlámh.
The Emergence of Development Education in Ireland
This looks back over the emergence of Development Education in Ireland, with Dr. Eilish Dillon, Head of Department, Department of International Development, Maynooth University, and Adrienne Boyle, Activist, and Development and Development Education Practitioner.
IDEA Conference 2021: Panel Discussion on 'What will it take to forge a new path built on equality?
This features the second panel session from our conference, Global Citizenship and Inequality in 2021: Forging a new Path? We have 4 wonderful speakers exploring the questions: Given the reality of the current situation, what will it take to forge a new path built on equality? Covid has shown us how essential global solidarity is, but how can we keep that sense of global citizenship alive? What is the role for Global Citizenship Education in supporting a rights-based recovery that ensures equality for all? The panel is moderated by Dr. Eilish Dillon, who is Head of the Department of International Development, in Maynooth University.
IDEA Conference 2021: Panel Discussion on What lessons, if any, have we learned about inequality?
This features the first panel session from our conference the 1st panel session from our virtual conference, Global Citizenship and Inequality in 2021: Forging a new Path? We have 4 wonderful speakers exploring the questions: After a year of constant change, where are we now? What lessons, if any, have we learned about inequality? With the systems underlying our societies under massive strain, can that ambition to ‘build back fairer’ survive the pressure? The panel is moderated by Dr Maria Barry, who is Assistant Professor in the School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies in DCU's Institute of Education.
IDEA Conference 2021: Keynote by Richard Wilkinson
Richard Wilkinson's keynote speech for the IDEA Virtual Conference: Global Citizenship and Inequality 2021: Forging a New Path? Richard is Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, Honorary Professor at University College London, Visiting Professor at the University of York, and co-author of The Spirit Level and The Inner Level. In this he explores the causes and impacts of inequality.
IDEA Conference 2020 Panel Discussion on Where do we go from here?
This features the second panel session from our Virtual Conference: Rising to the Challenge – Global Citizenship in 2020. We have five wonderful speakers exploring the questions ‘where do we go from here?’ How do we move forward with purpose? If uncertainty opens up possibilities, how do we create a “new normal”, built on equality, diversity, sustainability and human rights for all? What could that look like and how do we get there from here?
IDEA Conference 2020 Panel Discussion on How did we get here?
This features the first panel session from our Virtual Conference: Rising to the Challenge – Global Citizenship in 2020. We have five wonderful speakers exploring the questions How did we get here? 2020 has brought seismic changes: our lives are in flux, systemic inequality is in the spotlight, and our response to the looming economic and climate crises hangs in the balance. What systems, approaches, & responses are at play? What is and isn’t working?
IDEA Conference 2020 Keynote by Philip Alston
Philip Alston's keynote speech for the IDEA Virtual Conference: Rising to the Challenge – Global Citizenship in 2020. Philip is a Professor of Law at New York University, and from 2014 to 2020 he was UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights. In this he gives us an overview of the issues that have been in the spotlight in 2020 through the frame of human rights and inequality.
Conversation with Kathleen Kenna 2019
Conversation with Kathleen Kenna about Overseas Volunteering and the Global Citizen Award. Kathleen is a 2019 recipient of the Gold Award from the Global Citizen Award.
Conversation with John Simmons on Communication 2018
Conversation with John Simmons on Communications. John is a former director of Global Brand consultancy Interbrand. In the course of his career, he has led brand programmes for companies as diverse as Guinness, AIB, Marks & Spencer, Waterstones Royal Mail and the national Theatre. He has also written many books on creative writing for business, and is a founding director of 26, a non-profit aimed a spreading the joy of language and good writing.
Conversation with Matt Bailie Smith on Partnerships 2018
Conversation with Matt Bailie Smith on Partnerships. Matt is Professor at Northumbria University (UK) and an interdisciplinary global development academic, whose research focuses on the relationships between civil society, citizenship and development in the global South. His current work explores volunteering in humanitarian and development settings, and on young people as development actors. Matt previously worked for a development NGO and he continues to work in partnership with a range of national and global development organisations.
Interview with Dr. Lorna Gold, Policy and Advocacy Manager at Trócaire, 2011
Interview with Dr. Lorna Gold, Policy and Advocacy Manager at Trócaire by Matthias Fiedler, IDEA. It deals with the issues raised by Trócaire's "Leading Edge 2020" report on critical thinking for the future of international development. The interview was conducted for the IDEA Summer School 2011.
Interview with Martin Kirk on Oxfam's Finding Frames Report 2011
An interview with Martin Kirk of Oxfam GB on the Finding Frames report, published by Oxfam. The interview was conducted for the IDEA Summer School 2011, "What's Around the Corner for Dev Ed?"
IDEA 2011 Conference Sylvia Borren
Keynote speaker Sylvia Borren, Director of Greenpeace, Netherlands at the IDEA 2011 Annual Conference 17th June 2011. Theme: Active Global Citizenship and Education.
IDEA collaborated with Comhlámh to host a webinar on ‘Social Inclusion in Times of Rising Xenophobia’ #4 on our webinar series: Exploring Contemporary Crises and Issues through Global Citizenship Education on Wednesday, 15 May. Dr Caroline Murphy, CEO of Comhlámh, moderated this session. Speakers were Joe Munnelly, who holds PhD in Humanitarian and Development studies graduating from UCD’s Centre for Humanitarian Action; Bulelani Mfaco, Spokesperson for the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI); and Sarah Kelleher, CEO of Lourdes Youth & Community Services (LYCS). This webinar explored the existing gap in Ireland of refugee and migrant integration, resettlement, and community engagement in Ireland
Watch a video of our insightful webinar hosted by Bridge 47 and the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) on the eve of the UN Summit of the Future. Learn about the pivotal role of Global Citizenship Education in shaping the future we aspire to create. Speakers were Prof. Patrick Paul Walsh, Vice Director of Education & Director of the SDG Academy, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network; Professor of International Development & Director of the M.Sc in Sustainable Development, UCD; Prof. Leonardo Garnier, former Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General for the Transforming Education Summit and former Minister of Education in Costa Rica; and Temilade Salami, Founder and Director of EcoChampions, Nigeria and Africa-wide, and Youth Leader at the Global Partnership for Education. The event was moderated by Mr. Rilli Lappalainen, CEO of Bridge 47
Watch a webinar Exploring Contemporary Crises and Issues through GCE, We Need to Talk About Gaza, hosted by IDEA, expert speakers discussed the ongoing crisis in Gaza and how it can be addressed in educational settings. Speakers are Mary Coogan from Trócaire, Talha AlAli from Amnesty International Ireland, and Dr. John Reynolds from Maynooth University. This session, moderated by Claire Glavey from Global Village, provides a platform for a much-needed conversation about bringing global issues into the classroom.
We hosted the second session in our webinar series, Exploring Contemporary Crises and Issues through Global Citizenship Education, entitled ‘The Age of Cascading Crises’ online via Zoom on Tuesday, 09 April. Moderated by Lizzy Noone from WorldWide Global Schools with inputs from Dr Aoife Titley and Patrick Marren, both from Maynooth University, it aims to strengthen the capacity to engage as educators to understand the connections between these crises and also increase their confidence to address them in educational settings. This video resource will provide a valuable ‘taster’ for anyone considering registering for the Certificate in Maynooth to hear from two lecturers involved.
This webinar takes a look back over the emergence of Development Education in Ireland, with Dr. Eilish Dillon, Head of Department, Department of International Development, Maynooth University, and Adrienne Boyle, Activist, and Development and Development Education Practitioner.
This webinar was facilitated by Éilis Ryan, Activist and Development Education Practitioner. The speakers are Rodrigo Fernandez, Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), Professor Michelle Norris, Director, Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin, and Professor Raquel Rolnik, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo.
This webinar takes a look back over the emergence of Development Education in Ireland, with Dr. Eilish Dillon, Head of Department, Department of International Development, Maynooth University, and Adrienne Boyle, Activist, and Development and Development Education Practitioner.
This webinar takes a look forward at future trends and emerging issues in Development Education/Global Citizenship Education, with Dr Audrey Bryan Associate Professor of Sociology in the School of Human Development, Dublin City University, Edward Vickers, Professor of Comparative Education at Kyushu University, and Joyce Raanhuis, a doctoral student at the Centre for International Teacher Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The Session is moderated by Dervla King, Programme Manager with Comhlámh.
In the first in our Challenge the Crisis webinar series, John Restakis, author of "Humanizing the Economy: Co-operatives in the Age of Capital", addresses the history of cooperatives and their role in contemporary human development.
In this, the second in our Challenging the Crisis webinar series, Isabelle Kidney, Technical Advisor to the Irish League of Credit Unions, and Yibeltal Asmare, Gorta - Self Help Africa, address the role of microfinance in global sustainable development.
In this, the third in our Challenging the Crisis webinar series, Davie Philip, Co-founder of Sustainable Projects Ireland, and Ana Huertes, Aid Worker and Sustainability Trainer, look at 21st century competencies for making the transition to a collaborative economy and a low carbon society.
In this, the fourth in our Challenging the Crisis webinar series, Jason Nardi, Co-ordinator of the Social Watch Italian Coalition, and Daniel Tygel, Operating Manager of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy, give perspectives from Europe and Brazil on the practical impact of social and solidarity economy in responding to the crisis.
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