IDEA Virtual Conference 2021
Global Citizenship and Inequality 2021: Forging a New Path?
Tuesday – Thursday, 22-24 June 2021
The Covid 19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on inequality worldwide. Affecting all areas of our lives, it has been a shared experience on a global scale. It has focused our attention on the differing responses to and impact of Covid 19, highlighting inequality both locally and globally. Being unable to control factors affecting our well-being, safety, or livelihoods, has given us all insight into the day-to-day reality of inequality.
It has also given us a unique experience of global interconnectedness, showing how even small actions can impact millions around the world, for better or worse. The last year was characterised by empathy and solidarity, but with vaccine roll-outs promising an end in sight for some, have we reached a crossroads? Will that sense of solidarity lead us to ‘build back fairer’, or is fatigue setting in and will the comfort of the familiar prove too strong?
This conference was an opportunity to come together with others to unpack 2021 and to explore what we can do to forge a new path towards a rights-based recovery that supports equality for all. We ran a range of sessions across the 3 days including an Opening & Keynote Session, 2 Panel Sessions, 5 Workshops and a Closing Session.
Key Elements of the Conference
Our Keynote Speaker was Richard Wilkinson, Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, Honorary Professor at University College London, Visiting Professor at the University of York, and co-author of The Spirit Level and The Inner Level.
Prof Kathleen Lynch, Irish Sociologist, Activist and Professor Emeritus of Equality Studies at University College Dublin.
Martin Collins, Co-Director of Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre and Traveller rights activist
Dr Lilian Otiso, Executive Director LVCT Health
Dr Mary Keogh, Advocacy Director, CBM Global
Amitabh Behar, Chief Executive Officer of Oxfam India, and Vice-Chair of the Board of CIVICUS
Eric Ehigie, Political Coordinator at Black and Irish, and host of the Engaging with Eric podcast
Dr Caroline Munyi, Gender, Peace and Development Specialist, and Coordinator of AkiDwA’s Migrant Women Health Programme
Dr Jose Roberto Guevara,
President of the International Council of Adult Education (ICAE), and Board Member of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) representing Asia-Pacific.
Women’s role in Peace and Security
Trainers: Nura Hagi and Arran Towers, Mind the Gap
Workshop Content: This workshop will provide a deep exploration and discussion of empowering women to ensure Peace & Security. You will explore how community engagement and cultural training is currently shaping national policy in Ireland. You will look at the Global Goals 2030 through a peace and justice lens using the historic case study of Somalia and the present day role of Ireland as chair of the UN Security Council. The workshop will allow practitioners/educators to reflect on how gender inequality, misunderstanding the impacts of trauma and lack of cultural empathy obstruct meaningful community engagement and inclusion.
An Introduction to Disability in Development Education
Trainers: Louise Talbot-Beirne and Mary Keogh, CBM Ireland
Workshop Content: 15% of the global population are living with a disability. 80% of them live in poverty (WHO, 2011). How can we include people with disabilities in our Development Education practice? How can we include the topic of disability in our programmes? Framed around these questions, this workshop will give participants an introduction to the concepts of disability inclusion and accessibility. It will give space to ask the difficult questions and explore solutions together.
Acting for Change: A Creative Approach to Equality for All
Trainer: Michael McCabe, Smashing Times
Workshop Content: This theatre-based workshop explores equality and a shared future through a fun, participative process. Participants engage in drama and theatre games and exercises and open discussion reflecting on themes of equality and a shared future for all. It offers the opportunity for participants to stop, take a moment and breathe and explores, through practical games and exercises and through group discussion, the roles that mindfulness, breathing and physical activity can play to promote well-being in times of change.
Cultural Embodiment: from stereotypes towards empathy
Trainer: Sandra Gojić
Workshop Content: We will be exploring the concept of Cultural Embodiment and discuss how places and communities we inhabit shape us and our understanding of the world. You will be invited on a personal exploration of your own embodiment and cultural patterns and understand how they link to your daily life and perception of others and the world. We will explore what are the advantages and disadvantages of our own cultural embodiment and how can this exploration open new possibilities for learning and connection. This workshop is open to everyone, no previous experience with the topic needed.
Disclaimer: we will be working with embodied learning principles that include simple movement and guided visualisation practice.
Inequality – bringing it all back home
Trainer: Peadar King
Workshop Content: The aim of this workshop is to provide a historical and contemporary overview of the way in which the late 1970s / early 1980s emergence of neoliberalism became the dominant global economic paradigm and how it has contributed to the rise of global inequality.
IDEA Virtual Conference 2021: Keynote Speaker Richard Wilkinson
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