Start Date: 06/03/2019 End Date: 06/03/2019
Event Location: IDEA Office, 6 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1.
We are currently developing the IDEA Strategy 2019-2023 and as part of this process we are reaching out to all our members to gather their input.
To facilitate this we will be hosting a meeting for members on the IDEA Strategy on Wednesday, 06 March, registration from 9.30am and meeting from 10.00am – 5.00pm. Lunch will be included.
This will be facilitated by Caplor Horizons , who have worked with a variety of organisations globally on the development of their strategies. Their approach is engaging, experiential and creative, aimed at establishing an open, inclusive and fun approach to developing strategy. They also focus on embedding learning and development opportunities through-out the process.
This is an important opportunity for IDEA members to have their say in shaping the work of IDEA over the next 5 years.
To register email:
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