Lisa-Marie specialises in qualitative research, participatory feminist approaches to monitoring & evaluation including in supporting clients to develop monitoring evaluation & learning practices including frameworks, log frames and a variety of data collection an d analysis tools. She has extensive experience working with NGOs, institutions and donors across thematic fields including human rights, conservation, social justice and development globally. As a consultant, she has worked on MEL projects related to programmes and organisations funded by a variety donors including Irish Aid, SIDA, Finnish MFA, USAID, European Commission, the Dutch MFA and others. Previous clients include Front Line Defenders (MEL System), Peace & Security Funders Group, ILGA Europe, EndFGM EU and FADA Rwanda (Kaleidoscope Trust). Lisa Marie leads on complex and multi-level evaluations with strong expertise in project management and research design. She has conducted baseline studies for She Leads/Plan International and Kvinna till Kvinna at the global, regional and country level. She currently leads on the learning partnership with Porticus Latin America in addition to leading other evaluations with Fingo, Women4Biodiversity, WWF, TUDCN,, EPIM, Count Me In! And Front Line Defenders among many others.
Lisa-Marie also works for the European Commission as an Ethics Expert specialising in ethically assessing research projects involving humans with a focus on informed consent processes, data security, research environment and avoidance of harm.