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Workshop to Prepare Submission to Department of Education on Revised UNESCO 1974 Recommendation

November 15, 2022

Date: Tuesday, 13 December 2.30pm to 3.30pm - please note the change of date!

Location: Zoom

UNESCO is currently undertaking a revision of the landmark 1974 Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms which for the first time brought together peace, international understanding, human rights, fundamental freedoms and education (and long before the terms Global Citizenship Education or Education for Sustainable Development were coined).

The 1974 Recommendation called on Member States to ensure that their education policies are guided by a global perspective.  This is a far-sighted document which has informed ESD policy over many decades. 

The preliminary report and the first draft of the revised 1974 Recommendationwere transmitted to Member States, for their written comments and observations to be submitted by 23 December 2022.


IDEA plans to submit observations to the Department of Education on this draft, and we are inviting our members to join us for this workshop to discuss the draft and share input for IDEA’s submission. 

Register below! 

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