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Purposeful Partnerships: Engaging New Sectors in Development Education

February 10, 2021

Purposeful Partnerships: Engaging New Sectors in Development Education



Start Date: 27/04/2021 End Date: 29/04/2021


Event location: Online

The Bridge 47 team in IDEA is running a series of three-day online trainings on ‘Purposeful Partnerships: Engaging New Sectors in Development Education.’ The aim is to share the learning from Bridge 47’s partnerships work with other sectors (e.g. the private sector, media and trade unions) with Development Education practitioners across five different European countries. The first two trainings were delivered for Estonian and Bulgarian participants in January and the next stop is Ireland!


Who is it for:

IDEA members and other Development Education practitioners who are interested in building partnerships with other sectors to advance Development Education


Time & dates:

The training consists of three sessions from 9:30am to 11:15am on 27, 28 and 29 April 2021.



Day 1. Why Partnerships?

·      Discuss how partnerships with other sectors can support the mission of Development Education

·      Explore different types of partnerships from the philanthropic to the transformative

·      Reflect on examples of Bridge 47 cross-sector Development Education partnerships in other countries

·      Share thoughts on the potential opportunities and challenges of partnerships with other sectors in Ireland


Day 2. Communicating Our Purpose

·      Reflect and gain clarity on our purpose

·      Explore the power of storytelling for communicating our purpose

·      Consider the importance of tone of voice

·      Create a story to communicate our purpose to prospective partners


Day 3. The Partnership Journey

·      Reflect and gain guidance on the stages of the partnerships journey

·      Share your experiences of partnerships

·      Role-play an initial meeting with a prospective partner

·      Discuss our needs as regards engaging in Development Education partnerships with other sectors and ways forward for our sector



Orla Devine (Bridge 47 Partnerships Coordinator) and Ji Hyun Kim (Bridge 47 National Officer in Ireland)


Participation fee:

Free of charge for IDEA members and €30 for non-members



Please register here by Friday 23 April.


If you wish to enquire about attending this event, please contact Ji Hyun Kim, Bridge 47 National Officer in Ireland at

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