With the Irish Aid Annual Grants call now open, IDEA is running a number of workshops and webinars over the coming weeks that will be useful for those taking part in this and other grant application processes.
Here are the events and dates to put in your diaries:
Date: Thursday, 13 October
Time: 2:00 – 4:30pm
Venue: IDEA Office, 6 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1
Facilitator: Susan Gallwey, Trócaire
This practical workshop tackles the challenge of applying 'results-based thinking' to short-term Development Education projects. Using a toolkit developed by IDEA specifically for use with the Results Table in the Irish Aid Annual Grants application form, participants will work step-by-step through each element of the table. By the end of the workshop, participants should have the skills and confidence needed to prepare an effective Results Table. Participants will be given the IDEA toolkit and also will have the opportunity to participate in a follow-up webinar, see below.
To register for this event, please contact eimear@ideaonline.ie.
Date: Tuesday, 18 October
Time: 2:00 – 4:00pm
Venue: Royal Society of Antiquaries Ireland, Society House, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Facilitator: Aonghus Sammin, Bradán Consulting
This practical workshop will take you through the process of how to create a budget and how to present it within the context of the Irish Aid Annual Grant guidelines.
To register for this event, please contact eimear@ideaonline.ie.
Date : Thursday, 27 October
Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Susan Gallwey, Trócaire
To register for this event, please contact eimear@ideaonline.ie.
Date: Wednesday, 02 November
Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Frank Geary, IDEA
To register for this event, please contact elaine@ideaonline.ie.
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