A World of Stories: Friday March 6, 2-4pm
The DICE (Development and Intercultural Education within Initial Teacher Education) Project, together with IDEA, is delighted to offer a seminar. This seminar, World of Stories: Exploring Global and Intercultural Issues through Picturebooks will explore the enormous potential of picturebooks for introducing global and justice perspectives into the classroom, in an age appropriate manner.
Relevant theoretical frameworks and examples will be introduced in a participatory way by expert guest speakers Anne Dolan and Patricia Kennon. Teacher educators, student teachers and DE practitioners are all welcome to attend. Participation is free, but please register in advance with siobhan.sleeman@spd.dcu.ie. Refreshments will be provided.
Date and time: Friday March 6, 2-4pm
Venue: IDEA Office, 6 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1
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