Why? Rationale for the call:
European CSOs are well placed to inform about development challenges as well as the impact of policies and behaviours in Europe on development elsewhere. CSOs play a key role in fostering the European public’s understanding and recognition of the significance of development decisions and actions for people globally. Many also work directly on development issues in partner countries. These actors have historically been at the origin of DEAR activities in EU Member States, and remain key contributors to the evolution of DEAR policy and practice in Europe.
DEAR is an integral element of development, aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the new European Consensus on Development (the 'Consensus'). DEAR strives to critically engage citizens, including through civil society organisations and local authorities, in global debates linked to the new 2030 Agenda and the Consensus.
The new call comes as the EU is keen to maximise DEAR potential and outreach and is very much focused on actions that can reach EU citizens directly and to mobilise them. The EU feels that there is an urgent need to have fully informed citizens especially on major issues such as migration and climate change which are the two focus areas for this call.
Lead applicants for Lot 1 and Lot 2 must be non-profit entities who can demonstrate their relevant experience and commit to being directly responsible. These organisations have to be established in EU. There must be a minimum of two co-applicant organisations. This is the same for all lots. They have to be legal persons, they could be outside of member states, civil society, an association. Private Sector can now be included as co-applicants which is a new development.
Given the focus on direct outreach campaigns, applicants are encouraged to involve also communication experts if they are not highly experienced in this area, they could be involved as a co-applicant, an associate or as a contractor.
The objectives will be reached through a combination of campaigns, awareness raising, communication and outreach activities and global learning. Global learning activities either within or outside the formal education system cannot be the main part of the actions proposed. In case formal education actions are proposed, they should be developed in complementarity with Member States’ efforts in development education.
The primary focus areas are 1) Migration, 2) Climate change and Environment. You can choose one of the two or combination of both. The cross cutting issues are rights based approaches, fundamental values, gender equality and women’s empowerment. Youth are the main target but audience do not need to be solely Youth. Youth is defined as 15-35 years old. Campaigns, communications and outreach are very important. Direct outreach to citizens is being heavily emphasised.
Lot 1 and Lot 2 are for any EU Member States, Lot 2 is for the EU 13 countries. The EU's newer entrants (the 13 countries which have joined since 2004—Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia). They are emphasising pan-European projects. It’s possible to have some activities outside of the EU but it should be a minor part of budget.
April/May 2019 Notification of award
April/May 2019 Contract signature
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