Tuesday, 22nd June
The Opening Session, facilitated by Charo Lanao & Deirdre Quinlan, will introduce us to the agenda and content of the virtual conference with a welcome from IDEA,and a chance to get to know the other attendees and think about what we each what to experience from the event.
It will include a Keynote Session with Richard Wilkinson, Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, Honorary Professor at University College London, Visiting Professor at the University of York, and co-author of The Spirit Level and The Inner Level.
It will also include a showcase of good practice in addressing inequality through Development Education/Global Citizenship Education in 2021
This Panel Session will explore the questions After a year of constant change, where are we now? What lessons, if any, have we learned about inequality? With the systems underlying our societies under massive strain, can that ambition to ‘build back fairer’ survive the pressure?
Speakers include:
It will also include a showcase of good practice in addressing inequality through Development Education/Global Citizenship Education in 2021
This session of Chair Yoga will be led by Clara Talbot, Lúnasa Yoga, and is accessible for all, including those with mobility issues or disabilities. It incorporates movement, breath and mindfulness. Participants will leave this relaxing session feeling focused, refreshed and stretched out.
Wednesday, 23rd June
This Panel Session will explore the questions Given the reality of the current situation, what will it take to forge a new path built on equality? Covid has shown us how essential global solidarity is, but how can we keep that sense of global citizenship alive? What is the role for Global Citizenship Education in supporting a rights-based recovery that ensures equality for all?
Speakers include:
It will also include a showcase of good practice in addressing inequality through Development Education/Global Citizenship Education in 2021
This session on Harvesting Through Social Presencing Theatre: I See, I Feel, I Sense... will be facilitated by Orla Hasson. In this space Orla invites you to enjoy a half-way harvest, a pause on the path as we reflect on the first half of our conference through a mix of Storytelling and Social Presencing Theatre. Her provocation seeks to highlight some insights so we can integrate a little more, whilst articulating some questions that may be those surfacing and shaping the next steps on our path together.
Women’s role in Peace and Security, with Nura Hagi and Arran Towers, Mind the Gap
An Introduction to Disability in Development Education, with Louise Talbot-Beirne and Mary Keogh, CBM Ireland
Thursday, 24th June
Acting for Change: a creative approach to equality for all, with Michael McCabe, Smashing Times
IDEA Evaluation Focus Group, with DP Evaluation
Cultural Embodiment: from stereotypes towards empathy, with Sandra Gojić
Inequality - bringing it all back home, with Peadar King
The Closing Session will provide space for attendees to reflect on what was covered during the conference. We will have a harvest of key elements of the conference by Poet Nithy Kasa.
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