The Centre is inviting contributions to Issue 18 of the journal, to be published in Spring 2014 on the theme ‘Development Education and Film’. The aim of this issue is to debate an under-explored and yet important medium for teaching and learning about global issues. We are interested in receiving articles that discuss the use of film as an educational medium from film festivals on specific issues or regions to visual aids tailored to formal and informal education sectors. We also invite articles that evaluate the representation of development issues and developing countries on film or explore the process of film-making and how this impacts on structure, content and messaging. Contributors may additionally wish to assess different forms of film from shorts to features to documentaries. How effective are they in supporting development education practice and enhancing the knowledge of learners?
Articles should be submitted by Friday, 20 December 2013. For some background reading on this theme please see the latest Centre for Global Education Blog titled ‘Development and Film: Are we getting the bigger picture?’.
Article Types
There are three kinds of articles published in Policy and Practice. Focus articles are peer reviewed, between 3,500 and 6,000 words, and should have a strong critical analysis of their topic. The second is a shorter Perspectives article between 2,000 and 4,000 words which tends to be more descriptive and focusing on an aspect of practice. We also publish Viewpoint articles which are designed to provoke debate on a given topic and are more subjective in the presentation of their argument. These articles are also between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length.
Authors interested in submitting an article should send a synopsis of no more than 300 words to For more information on the journal and to access the full archive of previous issues please click here.
Books for Review
There are two books available for review as part of Issue 18 of Policy and Practice. The books complement the theme of ‘Development Education and Film’ and are as follows:
If you are interested in reviewing either book please contact
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