Children in Crossfire and Debt and Development Coalition Ireland are running a workshop on Demystifying Tax Justice, Wednesday, 14 March, 6.00-9.00pm, St Columb's Park House, Derry.
The global cost of tax dodging is estimated to be $500 billion a year, and $200 billion of that comes from developing countries – more than they receive in development aid. The impact of these tax practices is that governments have less tax income to provide public services, affecting communities throughout the world. Less tax means less healthcare, less infrastructure, less money to pay for teachers, doctors and nurses. At the same scandals like the Panama and Paradise Papers expose those dodging their tax bill yet nothing seems to change.
This workshop gives you the opportunity to find out how big corporate powers hide their money to avoid paying tax, and how this contributes directly to maintaining a cycle of global poverty and injustice.
Food will be provided from 6.00pm, with the workshop kicking off at 6.45pm. There will be performance pieces throughout by local artists – Bebeedeebe.
Sign up here.
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