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Fourth Webinar added to IDEA’s Winter Webinar Series

December 8, 2014

The fourth and final webinar in our Winter Webinar Series will be given by Jason Nardi of RIPESS  the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy, and Daniel Tygel of the Brazilian Forum of Solidarity Economy. They will share perspectives from Europe and Brazil on the practical impact that social and solidarity economy has on rebuilding economies and societies.

The webinar is free but registration is essential. The webinar series is brought to you by the partners of “ Challenging the Crisis ” a 3-year EU funded programme that seeks to champion global justice perspectives during times of austerity.

Jason Nardi  is coordinator of the Social Watch Italian Coalition and member of the RIPESS-Solidarity Economy Europe coordination committee. Together with other member s of RIPESS worldwide, he has contributed to the creation of the first interoperability standards for Social Solidarity Economy mapping (ESSGlobal). Jason has been working for several civil society organizations – Fondazione culturale responsabilità etica (the Cultural Foundation of the Italian Ethical Bank), the International Council of the World Social Forum, Terra Futura, annual festival on sustainability and good practices – and created, the first Italian social network for solidarity economy. A founder of Solidarius Italia, he is working on the strengthening of solidarity economy networks in Italy, where he lives.

Daniel Tygel

M.Sc in Theoretical Physics. Participated in community outreach movements at the university and in environmental education, field in which he worked with the public education system in southern Minas Gerais. He worked for seven years as executive secretary of the Brazilian Forum of Solidarity Economy and two and a half years as Operating Manager ofthe Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy. Works in the development of solutions in information technologies for social movements, such as maps and communication protocols in Brazil and abroad. He is a member of EITA (Education, Information and Technology for Self-Management) a self-managed collective dedicated to supporting the struggles of social and popular movements by building free information technologies and participatory methodologies for their use and appropriation. Blog:


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