Elaine Mahon manages the implementation of IDEA's capacity development programme with IDEA members, particularly in the areas of Development Education practice, Monitoring & Evaluation and organisational management. Elaine has worked in Development Education since 2009 and with IDEA since 2013. She is the lead staff member on the implementation of the IDEA Code of Good Practice in Development Education working on it since the idea to develop a Code began in 2016. She has worked on all stages of Code development including the drafting, piloting, launch and roll-out.
Elaine is also a freelance facilitator and trainer with wide-ranging experience in the Community and Voluntary sector working in areas relating to global justice, equality and interculturalism, youth participation, international volunteering and child safeguarding. Elaine has worked for international institutions including the European Commission and spent two years working in Sudan based at the EU Delegation in Khartoum. This work in international development is what set her on the path to promote engagement with these issues among people living in Ireland via Development Education.