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Grants Clinic for Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education Funding Applications 2024

October 11, 2023

Date: Tuesday 14 November, 11.00am – 1.00pm 

Location: Online via Zoom 

Our first training event on the Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education Grants Round is a Grants Clinic, focusing on the application form that will be facilitated by Frank Geary IDEA’s Director and Elaine Mahon, Capacity Development Manager, IDEA. This will take place on Tuesday 14 November, 11.00am – 1.00pm, Online.

IDEA provides support for members - and spaces for members to support one another - in applying for Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education Grants. This training and support is free of charge to all. 

As in recent years, we are also inviting any other actors who are not yet members of IDEA to these training events. 

To make this training as useful as possible for all attending, please make sure that you have a copy of this year’s application form available to you during the session. This can be requested from Irish Aid directly via email: 

Vikki Brennan is a senior manager on the labour rights team with Novartis Pharmaceuticals. A former CEO of Proudly Made in Africa, the Irish NGO focused on trade with Africa, she has over 10 years’ experience is responsible procurement, ethical international trading and business and human rights. Previously, Vikki worked at the Bangladesh Accord Foundation in Amsterdam and as senior ethical trade manager for food multinational Associated British Foods in London. She is IDEA’s Chairperson.

Elaine Mahon manages the implementation of IDEA's capacity development programme with IDEA members, particularly in the areas of Development Education practice, Monitoring & Evaluation and organisational management. Elaine has worked in Development Education since 2009 and with IDEA since 2013. She is the lead staff member on the implementation of the IDEA Code of Good Practice in Development Education working on it since the idea to develop a Code began in 2016. She has worked on all stages of Code development including the drafting, piloting, launch and roll-out. 

Elaine is also a freelance facilitator and trainer with wide-ranging experience in the Community and Voluntary sector working in areas relating to global justice, equality and interculturalism, youth participation, international volunteering and child safeguarding. Elaine has worked for international institutions including the European Commission and spent two years working in Sudan based at the EU Delegation in Khartoum. This work in international development is what set her on the path to promote engagement with these issues among people living in Ireland via Development Education.

March 27, 2025
Date: Wednesday 30 April, 12.30-2.30pm Location: Online via Zoom Global tensions are rising, with increasing drum beats of war and militarism. The human cost of war, conflict and genocide is evident across the globe while the arms trade is profiting hugely from this bloodshed. Militarism fuels violence, displacement and inequality threatening life on every continent. In Ireland, the long-held policy of military neutrality is also coming under threat, and the war in Ukraine has pushed the European Union ever closer towards a militaristic approach to security and defence. For some, Irish neutrality is an illusion amid growing geopolitical turbulence, while for others, it is at the core of who we are in terms of peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and humanitarian interventions. What does the future hold for Ireland’s role internationally? The ethos of Global Citizenship Education is based on global solidarity, empathy, and partnership, as well as challenging unequal power relations. How do we explore militarization through this lens and encourage critical thinking in the face of political hostilities? This third session will explore the topics of militarisation, neutrality, and peace education. Speakers will share their experiences and knowledge on the topic to equip educators to explore issues related to militarisation locally and globally. Participants will gain insight into the global arms trade and conflict, as well as increased confidence to incorporate these topics into their work as educators. Participants will also have time dedicated to a Question & Answer session. Speakers to be announced soon! Image Credit: Myko Makhlai Attribution: Unsplash
March 24, 2025
Catch up on our ‘Climate Justice, the Missing Voices’ webinar
March 21, 2025
Reclaiming Ground for Hope, Alternatives, and Action Date: Wednesday 28 May, 10.30am - 5.00pm Location: Grand Hotel Malahide, Malahide, Co. Dublin, K36 XT65 Around the world the threats of climate breakdown, genocide and the stripping back of human rights are accelerating daily. At the same time, the escalation of disinformation, militarism, extremism, and authoritarianism undermine hard-won battles for equality and social justice at many levels of society. As educators whose work is centred on global justice and solidarity what is our role in reclaiming ground to imagine and explore and create alternatives to this current reality? As practitioners of Global Citizenship Education what can we do to retain focus and remain energised, active and hopeful in unlocking alternatives for a better world? Join us at the IDEA Annual Conference 2025 to hear from inspiring educators, thinkers, leaders, and activists who will share their experiences of co-creating change and reclaiming ground for social and global justice. Come together with other IDEA members to share challenges and successes, as well as reflect on the ways Global Citizenship Education can contribute to a fairer world. This conference will provide an opportunity to strengthen our collective work – through education – to reclaim space for hope, alternatives and action Register below!
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