Irish Aid has asked the Global Education Network Europe (GENE) to conduct a peer review of development education in Ireland.
To ensure the Development Education sector has a strong voice in this process, IDEA is facilitating three task groups: one on formal education, one on the adult and community education sector and one on the youth sector, with each group considering successes, challenges, opportunities and strategic priorities for development education in their area, before bringing their recommendatoons to the GENE team. Each of the three groups will meet between now and April, before then meeting the GENE evaluation team in April. A plenary consultation will meet between now and April for the enture development education sector to contribute to the review and the Irish Aid strategy.
Each group has had the first of their three meetings. Upcoming meetings:
– Adult and Community Task Group: March 12, 12 noon-2pm and April 16, 12 noon-2pm
– Formal Education Task Group: March 2, 2-4pm and April 17, 11am-1pm
– Youth Task Group: March 12, 3-5pm and April 17, 2-4pm
If you are not already a member of a Task Group and would like to join, please email IDEA Director Frank Geary ( with your name, job title, organisation name and contact number. And please encourage your colleagues too!
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