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Production, Impact and Continuous Learning: Let's talk Resources...

August 31, 2022

Date: Wednesday 14 September 12 midday – 1.30pm

Location: Online via Zoom

This interactive webinar will focus on good practice in the development of resources for Development/Global Citizenship Education work. It will include an overview of the evolution of ‘what is a resource’, and how to develop a resource in line with Principle 6 of the Code of Good Practice for Development Education. We will also be exploring how to monitor the use of resources and their potential impact. The session will provide space for an open discussion around the challenges faced by both users and producers of resources.


The session is hosted by IDEA, in collaboration with, and will be facilitated by Tony Daly and Ciara Regan.

Cost: Free of charge

Register below. If you have any queries you can contact us here.

Image Credit: Alpha Stock Images & Nick Youngson

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