Waterford One World Centre and the Waterford Area Partnership are hosting a day of information and exploration about the Social Economy in the South East of Ireland.
Join them, along with the Mayor of Waterford, Cllr. Adam Wyse and keynote speaker Ms. Lynn Boylan, MEP, Tuesday, 18 October, at the Edmund Rice International Heritage Centre, on Barrack St. in Waterford City from 10:00am – 4:00pm. Lunch will be provided by Waterford-based Flavorhaus.
They will be looking at the policy and regulatory structures for Social Economy in Ireland including Social Enterprise, Sharing Programmes and Cooperatives followed by a creative session that will focus on idea generation and solutions to barriers that confront Social Enterprises.
This event is free of charge but registration is essential. Please contact Lucy via lucy@waterfordoneworldcentre.com.
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