WorldWise Global Schools and Irish Aid are hosting a workshop on ‘Transformative Global Citizenship Education’ with Phillip Bamber, Associate Professor at Liverpool Hope University and an expert in transformative Global Citizenship Education. This will take place Thursday, 15 November, 2.30-4.30pm, Iveagh House, St Stephen’s Green.
Phillip will take participants through a journey of his research outlining the importance of Global Citizenship Education in the Education sector today. There will be a Q & A session and time for discussion.
Philip is also the Associate Director of TEESNet (Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network). TEESNet aim to develop a UK wide community of practice in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship within teacher education in higher education and schools, that shares research and practice to develop new understanding across the sector in the UK and beyond.
Please RSVP by Friday, 09 November to or call 086 8720879.
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