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IDEA Network receives GENE Quality in Global Education Award

May 20, 2021
The IDEA network received a Global Education Network Europe (GENE) Quality in Global Education Award for the Code of Good Practice for Development Education at a ceremony on 19 May. This was hosted by Chair of GENE, Annette Scheunpflug, with 73 attendees including the Greek Minister for Education, Niki Kerameus, and Áine Doody, Head of Development Education /Global Citizenship, Irish Aid.  

47 initiatives were nominated for the award, which was given to 7 Global Education initiatives across Europe. These programmes ranged from a Masters in Global Citizenship Education, to a 'study trip' approach to learn about campaigning on sexual and reproductive health in the Global South, to gathering diverse students and teachers, including Greek and Turkish Cypriots, in the buffer zone in Cyprus to bring about reconciliation. 

The Code of Good Practice for Development Education is a trailblazer internationally, providing educators and organisations working in Development Education with a quality framework to strengthen good practice. Key to the award criteria was the active involvement of 'participants', collaboration, learning and networking, all elements that were core to the development and roll-out of the Code. 

The IDEA membership began developing this Code 5 years ago, and this award is a wonderful acknowledgement and recognition of their work. The successful roll-out of the Code to date, which has not been disrupted by the challenges posed by Covid-19. highlights the strong commitment to and ownership of the Code by members.

IDEA would like to congratulate all our members whose input and commitment were crucial to the development process and who are now bringing the Code to life. We would particularly like to congratulate and thank Elaine Mahon and Morina O’Neill, for their work on the coordination and development of the Code. 

We would like to thank our donors, Irish Aid, Trócaire and Concern, who have supported this initiative. Our strategic partnership with Irish Aid provided us with the time and space to develop the Code. We are grateful to Irish Aid for nominating us for this award.

This is the second Irish initiative to win a GENE  Quality in Global Education Award, following WorldWise Global Schools’ win for its Global Passports Award in 2018. WorldWise Global Schools is a member of IDEA.

You can find out more about the Code of Good Practice for Development Education here 

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