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Local/EU Elections Advocacy Workshop

April 29, 2024

Date: Friday 10 May, 11.00am -1.00pm 

Location: Online Via Zoom 


IDEA will host an online Local/EU Elections Advocacy Workshop for our members at the above date and time.  This will focus on presenting our Local/EU Elections Advocacy Brief to members and allowing space for questions and answers and role-playing scenarios in which members might use the brief to advocate GCE priorities with election candidates and canvassers. 


The Local/EU Elections Advocacy Brief is one of the tools in the IDEA Advocacy Toolkit, which some members were involved in shaping at our 07 February 2024 online workshop. It contains tailored advocacy messaging, asks, opportunities and suggested actions. It will be sent in advance of the workshop and participants are strongly encouraged to read and reflect on the Brief before the workshop, and bring any questions they may have. 


With the 2024 local/EU elections campaign in full swing, and countdown to 07 June, don’t miss this opportunity to prepare for and better execute your planned elections advocacy. 


Target audience: Primarily this is aimed at IDEA members that are actively planning to carry out advocacy activities during the 2024 local/EU elections campaign and would appreciate guidance on messaging, asks and strategic opportunities. However, all IDEA members are welcome to participate. 


The main content of the workshop will be covered in 90 minutes, but we are scheduling an extra 30 minutes at the beginning to give members an opportunity to meet and greet our new Policy and Advocacy Manager, Leigh Brady and vice versa. Leigh is looking forward to it! 

The deadline for registration is 09 May.


Register below! 

March 24, 2025
Catch up on our ‘Climate Justice, the Missing Voices’ webinar
March 21, 2025
Reclaiming Ground for Hope, Alternatives, and Action Date: May 2025, date tbc, 10.30am-5.00pm Location: tbc Around the world the threats of climate breakdown, genocide and the stripping back of human rights are accelerating daily. At the same time, the escalation of disinformation, militarism, extremism, and authoritarianism undermine hard-won battles for equality and social justice at many levels of society. As educators whose work is centred on global justice and solidarity what is our role in reclaiming ground to imagine and explore and create alternatives to this current reality? As practitioners of Global Citizenship Education what can we do to retain focus and remain energised, active and hopeful in unlocking alternatives for a better world? Join us at the IDEA Annual Conference 2025 to hear from inspiring educators, thinkers, leaders, and activists who will share their experiences of co-creating change and reclaiming ground for social and global justice. Come together with other IDEA members to share challenges and successes, as well as reflect on the ways Global Citizenship Education can contribute to a fairer world. This conference will provide an opportunity to strengthen our collective work – through education – to reclaim space for hope, alternatives and action Please note that if you want to register now, contact us via and you will be added to a waiting list and contacted when registration opens.
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