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Call for Tender: Review of Approaches to Measuring Impact of GCE

August 21, 2023

IDEA wishes to explore approaches to measuring the impact of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in Ireland. To this end, we are seeking applications from consultant/s to summarise the existing approaches to measuring and articulating the impact of Global Citizenship Education, and support further work in this area.

The work will consist of a desk review compiled in a paper that should include a preliminary analysis of principal approaches used for impact measurement in Global Citizenship Education and potentially: trends, any significant common approaches, any significant divergences, and other relevant analysis. This piece of work also includes the co-facilitation and input into the design of a workshop related to the findings of the desk review, and a report capturing the findings of the workshop. While there are three distinct tasks outlined above, we are also interested in hearing from candidates who may only be able to do the first output (the desk review).

You can find the ToR here.

Deadline for application is Friday 8 September.

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