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IDEA Conference 2021: Women in Peace & Security

July 1, 2021
On Wednesday 23 June we conducted a workshop ‘Women’s role in Peace and Security’ as part of the 2021 IDEA Virtual Conference. It allowed us in Mind the Gap to discuss how we would like to bring awareness to DE/GCE practitioners the current pivotal role Ireland is playing in the EU/UN in designing policy and the approach to policy design in the area of Women in Peace and Security.  

Nura Hagi, the lead facilitator, is on the Irish Government’s Oversight Group that is advising the formation of Ireland's 3rd National Plan on Peace & Security and the level of community engagement in it's creation is gaining praise and interest internationally. 

During this workshop we showcased the magnitude of the challenges and danger women still face when putting themselves forward to represent their community in the political arena, especially in regions experiencing conflict and/or oppressive regimes. These include ridicule by established (male) leaders/politicians, a lack of access to organisational structures, supports and finances, as well as a very real threat of verbal and physical abuse. In the case of Somalia, actual endangerment of life is a real threat as detailed by Nura’s own experience and need to flee her home and seek asylum through the assistance of Frontline Defenders. Many of these issues are very succinctly demonstrated in the documentary on the peace process in Northern Ireland; ‘Wave goodbye to dinosaurs’.   

During the workshop, we explored the comparisons that can be made between the struggle in Somalia and Northern Ireland and the lessons that are being shared by women involved in both to others around the world. Comparisons such as the true grassroot peace building efforts being fulfilled by women in mediation, conflict resolution and education but that go wholly unrecognised by the establishment and even by the women themselves. These issues are discussed in the video ‘Women’s voices; building networks’, in which Nura features.  

We also introduced the suggested action of getting involved with, and raising awareness of, the City/Place/School of Sanctuary campaign in Ireland. Building on the idea that peace and inclusion is not a passive ideal but a constant active engagement ensuring that the extra steps are taken to include the most vulnerable and marginalised in accessing services and being given agency. We heard examples from the participants of University College Cork (UCC) working towards becoming a 'University of Sanctuary' and of realising eight full scholarships for refugee students; of Cork University Hospital (CUH) working towards being a 'Hospital of Sanctuary', for instance in efforts to provide translation services. Also there is the community running group 'Sanctuary Runners', a running club in Cork that brings locals and new communities together to raise the visibility of the refugee community by taking part in community fun runs and the city marathon. 

Campaigns were only beginning here in Ireland before the outbreak of Covid-19 and associated lockdown in March 2020, and now need to be re-imagined and re-energised. In the UK there are more established examples and a wealth of educational resources and guides to how to organise for all types of; organisations, institutions, education settings and community groups (see City of Sanctuary

Written by Arran Towers, Mind the Gap 
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